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An adventure to Bao An Macrobiotic in Danang Vietnam

An adventure to Bao An Macrobiotic in Danang Vietnam

July 2022 · 6 min read · Da Nang

An adventure to Bao An Macrobiotic in Danang Vietnam

Hello Friends,

I was outside the bar one night and a fried rolls up next to me, saying they just ate at a good Macrobiotics place. I was like "What"?. Anywho, a few days later, the hunger kicked in, I was not sure where to eat, and I remembered this story. So, a little google searching later and I was on my bike across town to the "Bao An Macrobiotic" cafe and shop.

If you don't know, macrobiotic diets are all the rage these days, but what exactly are they? Macrobiotic diets are based on the principle of balance and harmony. The goal of a macrobiotic diet is to achieve balance in one's life and in the universe. This means eating the right foods in the right proportions and living in harmony with the natural world.

From what I could find, (*I could be wrong), Macrobiotic is a Japanese dietary and lifestyle system. The word macrobiotic comes from the Greek words for "large" or "long" (macro) and "life" (bios). Macrobiotic is about achieving balance in one's life.

Whether or not the food makes balance, it is tasty and did state my hunger. Hunger for both food things, and also for unique photos and a story. I think you can see where this is going... I took some photos and typed up this here story for you. So, sit back, grab a coffee, and let's dine on this "well-balanced" blog post of pictures and words.

Bao An Macrobiotic

Location : Nhà hàng chay Thực Dưỡng Bảo An
Google Map Link :

Some people say that the best way to learn about a culture is to try its food. If that's the case, then a visit to this Vietnamese shop is a must! Not only will you get to try delicious traditional dishes, but you'll also get a glimpse into the daily life of Vietnamese people. From the friendly shopkeepers to the classic decor, you're sure to have a wonderful experience.


The menu was all written in Vietnamese, and while I am studying this... I still had a hard time figuring out what it said, so I asked the host who recommended some dishes for me. I did not know what they recommended, but ... adventure, right? So I said yes.


While waiting for the food to come, I walked about the shop. You had some produce.


The cafe was also a shop filled with a lot of organic superfoods. It was a very local feeling place. The traditional, simple style of home and shop was warm and inviting.


The kitchen is located in the back of the shop, you could see the staff cooking and diving up the food for the meal.


I like how this photo of the place turned out. The face sorta blurred out, light streaming in, the polka dot shirt... all elements kind of speak of a simple time.


Towards the front of the shop, there was this set of stairs leading up to some place, the second floor of mystery... I had to hold back my curiosity and not explore this place... for now.


The organic superfoods were also priced reasonably well.. not too expensive for Vietnam. I would think it was priced fair.


The selection was also impressive... the oils, rice, goji berries, honey, and more. Need to come here when I am back on a cooking kick!


The ceramic cups also spoke of a long history of use. IDK, perhaps they are all new cups, but they looked like they have served many over the years, with each connecting the past with the present.


I did venture a little into the kitchen, I wanted to go in more, but did not want to look too creepy and strange, so, just took a few photos on the outside of the cooking space. Here we see the chef preparing the meal.


This is the outside prep area. When I rolled up, they were here washing and getting the food set for the day. So nice!


This was a cooking pot on the side of the road. I am not sure what was in it, but it looks like they keep it burning all day long.


A simple teapot of water, so nice and elegant.

I mean, Simplicity is something the best option. It is the path of least resistance and it requires the least amount of effort. When you are feeling overwhelmed, remember that the simplest solution is usually the best one. Let go of what is complicating your life and make room for what is simple and good.

"I'm a big fan of simplicity. Whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed or bogged down, I try to simplify my life as much as possible. It's not always easy, but it's always worth it. Why? Because simplicity is the best option. It's the path of least resistance. And, ultimately, it's the most rewarding way to live, or at least I think so most of the time.


The traditional Vietnamese roof is one of the most iconic features of Vietnamese architecture. The roofs are usually made of tile or thatch and are often decorated with intricate designs. The roofs are usually sloped and are often supported by wooden columns.


The traditional Vietnamese roof is a key element of Vietnamese architecture and is one of the most distinctive features of Vietnamese homes.


I had a nice cup of water while I waited as well. Simple. The crack in the cup, perhaps has a story to tell?


Here is some soup.


With a plate of leafy greens to add in.


In the forest of green, microbotics helps you live healthy and fresh.


I did enjoy how this meal looked a lot. The different colors and textures. Perhaps it could have used a pinch more salt, but perhaps not... it was quite good!


Also, got the fresh rolls and a smaller soup.


Bao An is a great choice for those looking for a healthy, hearty meal. The restaurant offers a wide variety of macrobiotic options, as well as vegan and vegetarian dishes. The staff is friendly and accommodating, and the food is fresh and delicious. I highly recommend Bao An to anyone looking for a healthy, affordable meal in Danang.

What are your thoughts about macrobiotics?
Do you believe they work?
Have you had a meal like this?

As always, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this adventure!


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Travel Photos:@RoamingSparrow


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