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Zaurolandia馃馃 Rogowo

Zaurolandia馃馃 Rogowo

June 20213 min read呕nin County

Niedziela 9:00 wszyscy zapakowani w samochodzie wyruszyli艣my na wycieczke do 艣wiata dinozaur贸w w Rogowie. Na termometrze 20 stopni celcjusza i ju偶 wiedzia艂em, 偶e b臋dzie skwar na niebie馃榾

Po godzinie jazdy przez pi臋kne tereny le艣ne i wsie dotarli艣my na miejsce. Jeszcze parking samochodowy by艂 pusty. Ceny bilet贸w rodzinnych nie by艂y drogie bo jedyne 100 z艂 za 2+2. Jednak atrakcje by艂y ju偶 p艂atne.聽


Sunday 9:00 all packed in the car we set off for a trip to the world of dinosaurs in Rog贸w. The thermometer showed 20 degrees Celsius and I already knew that it will be hot in the sky馃榾.

After an hour of driving through the beautiful forest areas and villages we arrived at the place. The parking lot was still empty. Family tickets were not expensive because only 100 PLN for 2+2. However the attractions were already paid

Juz na samym wej艣ciu sta艂y dinozaury a dzieciaki by艂y u艣miechni臋te na widok olbrzym贸w. Obeszli艣my wyznaczon膮 艣cie偶k膮 wko艂o placu, ale to nie koniec. Kawa艂ek dalej ko艂o jeziora wypoczywa艂y kolejne dinozaury.聽


Right at the entrance there were dinosaurs and the kids were smiling at the sight of giants. We went around the designated path around the square, but that's not the end. A little further down by the lake there were more dinosaurs resting.

Niez艂a zabawa z synem馃榾
Niez艂a zabawa z synem馃榾

Oczywi艣cie nie mog艂o zabrakn膮膰 fotek rodzinnych馃榾


Of course we couldn't miss the family photos馃榾


Po dobrej godzinie chodzenia poszli艣my na lody bo gor膮czke z nieba by艂o ju偶 mocno czu膰 na sk贸rze. Co do gastronomii to sza艂u a偶 takiego nie by艂o. Lody na ga艂ke, gofry, kawa, herbata. Jedzenie typu mro偶onki. Haburgery, frytki, hot-dog, pizza, nugettsy, szasz艂yk. No ale nie ma co wybrzydza膰 w plenerze.聽

Po kr贸tkim odpoczynku poszli艣my z najm艂odszymi atrakcje znkt贸rych by艂o mo偶na skorzysta膰 w rozs膮dnej cenie.


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After a good hour of walking we went for ice cream because the heat from the sky was already strongly felt on the skin. As for gastronomy, it was not that crazy. Ice cream by the scoop, waffles, coffee, tea. Frozen food. Haburgers, fries, hot-dog, pizza, nugettsy, shashlik. But there is nothing to be picky about in the open air.

After a short rest we went with the youngest attractions zn贸rych was possible to use at a reasonable price.

M艂ody by艂 zachwycony. Uwielbia poci膮gi i koparki. Nie nie za mn膮 tego nie ma馃榾 Mi臋dzy atrakcjami dla dzieci podziwiali艣my jeszcze gro藕ne dinozaury.


The youngster was delighted. He loves trains and excavators. No no no behind me on this one馃榾 Between the kids attractions we still admired the menacing dinosaurs.

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Podsumowuj膮c wycieczke to zaliczam do bardzo udanych. Bior膮c pod uwag臋 dojazd i odleg艂o艣膰 bo zaledwie 60km to naprawde blisko. Miejsc贸wka godna uwagi dla m艂odszych dzieci i starszych. Ceny atrakcyjne. W pobli偶u mamy jeziora i pi臋kne lasy.聽


To sum up this trip I count to a very successful. Taking into account the access and distance because only 60km is really close. The place is worth attention for younger children and older. Prices are attractive. Nearby we have lakes and beautiful forests.

Translated into English by this Mr. google馃榾

Travel Resources for your trip to Poland

Recommended by TravelFeed

Flights: We recommend checking to find the best and cheapest flights to Poland.

Accomodation: Explore the best places to stay in Poland on, Agoda and Hostelworld.

Travel Insurance: Medical emergencies abroad can be pricey, but travel health insurance is not. We always use SafetyWing for affordable and reliable coverage.

Transportation: Use 12go and Omio to find detailed bus and train schedules, making travel planning easier.

Car Rental: For hassle-free car hiring, DiscoverCars is our trusted choice with a wide selection of vehicles.

Internet: Got an eSIM compatible phone? Airalo is perfect for reliable internet access during your trip. Just install it before you go, and you're set!

Day Trips & Tours: We recommend GetYourGuide for a variety of well-organized and enjoyable activities.

Tickets: Save on entrance fees in Poland with Klook and Tiquets.

Travel Planner: Need a hand planning? Our free travel planner chatbot is your personal guide to Poland. Chat now.

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