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A visit to the cathedral of Santa María de Burgos

A visit to the cathedral of Santa María de Burgos

July 2021 · 5 min read · Burgos
General overview
General overview

On this occasion, the trip that I have the pleasure to propose to you, takes us to the heart of the infinite Castilian Plateau, where there still persists, to the admiration of locals and strangers, a superb marvel of medieval Art and Architecture, which is among the best of Europe: the cathedral of Santa María, in Burgos.

View of the Front of the Sarmental
View of the Front of the Sarmental

They say that the great German writer, Stendhal - author, among other eminent works of Universal Literature, such as 'The Red and the Black' - suffered an electroshock, if I may express myself, when he visited that other cradle of Renaissance Art, which is the city of Florence.

Another general panorama from the Saint Mary’s Square
Another general panorama from the Saint Mary's Square

To this attack of emotion, produced by an artistic excess capable of sublimating emotions, Psychology defined it precisely with his name, adding a prefix, that of syndrome, which denotes caution.

Gothic beauty and harmony
Gothic beauty and harmony

So, to avoid suffering that 'Stendhal syndrome' and also, because it would be practically impossible to cover in a single post, all the immeasurable amount of treasures accumulated in this true time capsule, which is the Burgos Cathedral, I will try to present it to you in a generalized way, although focusing on those monumental parts, which must even contain what could be considered as a basic guide.

Dome and eight-pointed star
Dome and eight-pointed star

To do this, we must accept the advice of that wise and good eater, who was the English writer Chesterton, and begin our journey through the Genesis of a building, whose foundations date back to the 13th century, when it was 1221 and King Ferdinand III. The Saint ordered the construction of this masterpiece of Spanish Gothic, whose consecration was carried out in the year 1260.

Golden Staircase, 16th century. Work of Gil de Siloé
Golden Staircase, 16th century. Work of Gil de Siloé

Although it continues to preserve a good part of its original Gothic harmony, it must also be borne in mind that we are facing a building whose notable characteristics make it a true time capsule, which was increasing - not to say, enriching itself. As the centuries passed, adapting to the original model, a succession of chapels added, whose styles denote, by themselves, the artistic evolution of different historical periods.

Overview of the nave: chapels and stained glass
Overview of the nave: chapels and stained glass

To the point that in its almost millenary existence, the Burgos Cathedral is an open book, in which it could be said metaphorically that the main master stonemasons and outstanding artists of each era have written.

Saint Mary Magdalene. Work attributed to Leonardo Da Vinci and Giovan Pietro Rizzoli
Saint Mary Magdalene. Work attributed to Leonardo Da Vinci and Giovan Pietro Rizzoli

From Juan de Colonia to Gil de Siloé, artists and Magisteres Muri, such as the Maestro de Beau Dieu or Simón and Francisco de Colonia, without forgetting Alberto de Churriguera, Nicolás de Vergara or Juan de Matienzo - and I assure you, that even so, I left many notable ones in the inkwell - they left some signs of identity, whose beauty and perfection, after all, does not detract at all, the thought that nested in the intention of its promoters: to captivate the spirit.

The famous chest of the Cid Campeador
The famous chest of the Cid Campeador

Of the three facades, the main one and in fact, the one through which the cathedral is entered and considered, due to its splendor and beauty as a great Gothic altarpiece, made of stone, is the famous Puerta del Sarmental, whose tympanum is occupied by a fantastic Pantocrator, where the figure of the Savior is escorted by the four Evagelists, who are represented, not only with their characteristic symbols -the angel, the ox, the eagle and the lion- but also seated in front of his scriptorium, like the ancients medieval copyist monks, dedicated to the work of transcribing their vision of the Gospel which, as we all know, usually coincides, in the cases of Luke, Matthew and Mark, but which completely breaks the mold with the apocalyptic vision of John.

Doorway of the Corpus Christi Chapel, 16th century Gothic and original polychrome
Doorway of the Corpus Christi Chapel, 16th century Gothic and original polychrome

In short, the trip proposed here to Burgos Cathedral is a journey back in time, in which more than entertaining you with the infinite variety of details it contains, it is an invitation to let yourself be carried away by the senses and see, in As much as possible, through the photographs and the auxiliary video that I offer you, that above all written speculation, that visual assessment is always above, which after all, it could be said that it motivates and captivates the Spirit. and it makes this, after all, a judge and part of the place we have just visited.

Another beautiful example of a 16th century Gothic portal with original polychrome: Capilla de Santa Catalina
Another beautiful example of a 16th century Gothic portal with original polychrome: Capilla de Santa Catalina

I would be extremely satisfied, if in your assessment, I have managed to convey to you, even an interesting part of that spirit. Thank you very much for your company and a warm greeting to all.

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Dome of Juan de Colonia with its fabulous eight-pointed star
Dome of Juan de Colonia with its fabulous eight-pointed star

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NOTICE: Both the text and the photographs that accompany it, as well as the video that illustrates it -except for the music, reproduced under license from YouTube- are my exclusive intellectual property and therefore are subject to my Copyright.

Cloister: mystery, beauty and recollection
Cloister: mystery, beauty and recollection

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