Greetings fellow travellers and explorers of our beautiful planet. I'm back with my blog posts reporting on some awesome travel adventures, after a sabbatical of two months. 

Stormy Spring tide smashed these southern shores of Africa this year, necessitating repairs.
Stormy Spring tide smashed these southern shores of Africa this year, necessitating repairs. 

It has been a particularly wet and stormy winter here way down south, and Spring has just added to the fierce weather conditions with further storm surges. 

As a result beaches were smashed with heavy waves and those fortunate folks living at the coast saw there property hit hard. Repairs have quickly restored steps leading to the beach. However,  the shape and general condition of the beach is alerted. 

Sand dunes washed away by massive waves
Sand dunes washed away by massive waves

The surf was so strong during the recent Spring tide that sand was washed away from the beach. Now there is hardly a beach left as the sea washes right up to the dunes topped with vegetation or up to the houses.

Fortunately the shoreline usually restores itself after some time as the sand is washed back into place by the tides. These extra large storm surges occur every seven years roughly, and this year was a big one. 

New steps to replace the old ones destroyed by the sea in the storm recently.
New steps to replace the old ones destroyed by the sea in the storm recently. 

This southern shoreline of Africa called the Garden Route, is perhaps the most beautiful tourist destination of the entire region. Already they are arriving now that winter is over. 

Paradise restored, in a manner of speaking. And it's not even summer yet. It's just so mild and pleasant here at 34 degrees south latitude. The conditions are perfect for exploring the long coastline and diverse natural surroundings. 

A funny looking dog on the beach watching his owner surfing the big waves caused by the Spring tide
A funny looking dog on the beach watching his owner surfing the big waves caused by the Spring tide

Actually the ability of the natural elements to shift the terrain at this shoreline reminds me of how powerful nature is, and how we are at her mercy. Mother Nature is more powerful than we realize. 

Steps leading to a sudden drop where beach sand was washed away this month.
Steps leading to a sudden drop where beach sand was washed away this month. 

For now the calm has been restored and the beautiful blue skies and inviting turquoise sea are attracting tourists from all over the globe. 

I'm back at my favourite hiking trails and beach explorations so will keep you posted as I encounter new and exciting natural scenes here on the southernmost shores of Africa. 

Robberg peninsula appearing calm after the storm.
Robberg peninsula appearing calm after the storm. 

I'm writing and publishing this post from my mobile phone via the Travelfeed app, so will keep it brief. Despite the challenges facing the world currently, both from social and weather issues, still here way down south it is possible to celebrate life at the return of Spring. 

So feel inspired to come seek shelter from the stormy conditions by visiting this south coast of Africa. I'll be happy to show you around.