'Take me to my beach'

'Take me to my beach'

December 2022 · 4 min read · Krabi Province

'I'm moving, I'm coming
Can you hear what I hear
It's calling you, my dear
Out of reach (Take me to my beach)
I can hear it calling you
I'm coming, not drowning
Swimming closer to you

That is how the lyrics from 'Pure Shores' from All Saints goes, and that is the one damn song I had in my head the whole time while I was walking around on the legendary Maya Bay on the island of Koh Phi Phi Leh in the Southern part of Thailand.

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Maya Bay doesn't ring a bell to you? Well, Maya Bay is the place where the movie 'the Beach' with Leonardo diCaprio was recorded back in 2000.

Honestly, I have never seen this movie at all, but I know this beach became famous after this movie and since then has been flocked with people visiting. And even though it is a beautiful beach (it really is!), is it that special that we have to kill it by visiting? That I am not really sure about.

Maya Bay is a nature preserved area these days, which also means you have to pay an entrance fee to enter the national park these days. I heard about this before we headed over, but I wasn't really aware of how this would look like, and I also wasn't aware that we would step out of the boat (you can reach Pho Phi Leh only by boat and it is inhabited) and walk to the other side of the island

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And then I also understood why there was an entrance fee throughout this park, because with this walking path through the hills and also little toilethouses (okay gross ofcourse, but still functional) there has been some infrastructure created.

There is one little tourist trap there also located where I decided to get a drink and then we actually reached the beach itself, getting to this grande entree first.

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I know, I know nice and cheesy but it deserves to be in the snap there as well right?

But then the reaching of Maya Bay, I had little to no idea what to expect and honestly I was really surprised by the beauty surrounding the area. The water is pristine and crystal clear and because of the weather that day, there were hardly any people around.

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While I was walking over the beach to a bit more of the far end I got the scare of my life because there was actually a lifeguard / nature preserver sitting in the back in camouflage clothing making sure people would not go into the water. You are allowed to step in with your feet, but not go in too far. All of this to get nature back in its feet after it was knocked down in this bay for so long.

I had always made a bit of fun about the camouflage clothing, but I literally did not see this dude, so maybe I should change my opinion about this a little bit.

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The good thing about the rule not being able to go in the water?

A rascal like this little baby shark passing by in the shallow water. How cool is this?

Around that time it started to drizzle for a bit, which lead to even more people leaving the Maya Bay and we really almost had it to ourselves which felt kind of unique.

I do realize that I am writing about all of the tourists flocking in killing nature around there that I am also doing this, which means I am aware that I am also a part of the problem. I get it I really do, there is no excuse about this....

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Maybe that is why enjoyed visiting this place so much in low season. Realizing this might be something unique before potentially they close Maya Bay again, which also would be something valid. You can not have it all as mankind.You can have everyone enjoy somewhere without someone making money out of it, and also one suffering because of it. That is where balance comes in.

I know I appreciated visiting here a lot and that is why I had one of Thailands classic Chang beers at a priceless place on an almost empty beach while the drizzle came down

What a way to enjoy to a beer. That is how it always should be.

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Detlev Artelt
· December 2022

OMG - I love to be there for the view, for a talk and for some beers.

"Sitting in the dark" and cold Europe made my traveller brain calling beaches all the time.

Lucky @louis88 is on the way to Thailand while I listen to some music

· December 2022

With this grew cold sky same here ...the brain is looking for new input indeed at the moment

Damn you @louis88 enjoy!

· December 2022

Starting my 1 Month Journey tomorrow ;) Starting from Frankfurt to Bangkok - from there i will head over to some Islands in the South and do the kinda backpack experience - ill let u guys know in some blog posts how it will be ;)

Detlev Artelt
· December 2022

We all look for your "damn f#cking nice pics"

Please hit us hard and daily....

· December 2022

I hope that one day, I will be able to experience such beauty in real life myself, I never got to see a beach nearly as beautiful as this. I do get why they close many spots nowadays simply because tourists ruin it.

These pics are lovely <3

· December 2022

I do get it as well. The same reason we were not allowedto go into the water, it will destroy the eco system and it seems reasonable to do something about it.

But indeed if you have the change..wow! Go for it!

· December 2022

yeah it seems lovely to experience, although I think there's a lot of these hidden gems we can find in Spain as well. So let's start there :)

How are you doing btw? <3

· December 2022

I think you have enough to explore in spain for the next upcoming years actually haha.

Im really good thx! working on some career changes so really busy with that and going to school again (heftigggg) but nice stuff indeed. Work in progress!

What about yourself little lady?