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King´s Garden, Opera House, and Skeppsholmen, Stockholm, Sweden. Oct. 2021

King´s Garden, Opera House, and Skeppsholmen, Stockholm, Sweden. Oct. 2021

November 2021 · 6 min read · Sweden

Short trip to the Stockholm archipelago

I have decided to take a short trip to the Stockholm archipelago before it gets colder here in Stockholm, Sweden. Due to Covid-19, I believe that many of us who love traveling had a difficult time since we cannot travel abroad, but at the same time, it made us realize that there were many nice places to take a short trip and travel where we live. For me, I am not a Swedish person, so living here is like having a new travel experience every day as an expat. In Stockholm, it gets below 10C in November, so that it was a good idea to take a short trip to the Stockholm archipelago before it gets too cold.  

とても天気もよく、寒くなる前に街を散歩したいと思いストックホルム郊外にある、群島を散策することにしました。 なかなか海外旅行が出来ない中、スウェーデン国内にもたくさん素晴らしいところがあると、改めて思える旅になりました。 ストックホルム市内は11月になると10度を下回る気温になるので、10月は寒くなる月の最後であり散策されている方もたくさんしました。

They have become so popular in Stockholm, Sweden. I want to use it someday! 😀
They have become so popular in Stockholm, Sweden. I want to use it someday! 😀
The Royal Opera House of Stockholm
The Royal Opera House of Stockholm 

After I got off at the Stockholm Central Station (T-Centralen), I started walking to King´s Garden. I saw many electric scooters (kickboards) in the city. They have become very popular and they are becoming even more popular these days. I see them almost every day, and they have become another way to move around the city today. First, many people including me had a bad impression of them because users abandoned them everywhere in the city after they got off. But, it seems that more and more people get used to how to use them properly, and where to part after they use them. I have become a fan of them now, and I hope that they will become more popular in the city. Well, of course, we have got to know how to use them right with traffic regulations and be careful when we use them. I have not used it yet, but someday I want to use it to move around the city. 

先ずはストックホルム中央駅から歩き、王立公園に向けて歩き始めました。 現在はストックホルム市内を中心に、電動キックボードがとても人気を集め街の至る所で目にするようになりました。 以前は町中の至る所に乗り捨てられていて、市民から苦情も出ていた時期もあったようなのですが、この頃は使う側もルールを守るようになってきたのか、整理された状態で停められている電動キックボードをよく見かけます。 市民の新しい移動手段として広まり、そして街の新しい顔としてストックホルム市内観光を支えているこの電動キックボードは今後の益々の活躍を応援する一人でもあります。 でも、安全な使用を心がけて欲しいものですよねぇ。 わたしはまだ使ったことが無いのですが、いつか一度は使ってみたいなぁと思っています。

The Royal Palace of Stockholm
The Royal Palace of Stockholm 

King´s Garden in Stockholm

One of my favorite places to visit in central Stockholm all year round
One of my favorite places to visit in central Stockholm all year round

It was such a good day to take a short trip to the Stockholm archipelago. I walked from Stockholm Central Station to the Royal Opera House of Stockholm. It took around 15 minutes. When I got to the Opera House, I could see the Swedish Parliament House on the other side of the island. I love around there where we can see many beautiful buildings. Stockholm contains more than 14 islands, and each island is connected by bridges. When I got to the Royal Opera House, I decided not to walk to the Royal Palace, but I decided to walk to the King´s Garden to see some flowers. 

この日はとても天気も良く、散歩日和でした。 ストックホルム中央駅から王立オペラ座へは徒歩で15分程度でしょうか。 そこまで来ると対岸に国会議事堂やストックホルム王宮を見ることが出来ます。 ストックホルムは14を超える島々で出来ていて、そこには綺麗な橋でつながっています。 オペラ座まで歩いて、今回はストックホルム王宮へは向かわず、王立庭園の方へ向かいました。

Carl 12th
Carl 12th 

The King´s Garden is one of my favorite places in central Stockholm. This time, I decided to take a look at the statue of Carl 12th. He is a popular Swedish king who led the country to become one of the biggest nations in the Baltic region. The garden is always full of flowers from spring to fall. When I went there, there were many people from Europe enjoying the tour in the garden. It seemed that more and more tourists from abroad were visiting Stockholm after the Covid19 related regulations had lifted away since the beginning of October. In spring, the garden is full of cherry blossoms, and in winter, the ice skate rink is placed. Local people love the garden all year round. 

ここはいつ来ても素敵な庭園で、市民の憩いの場所になっています。 今回、わたしが歩いたのはカール12世「北方の流星王」の銅像がある広場です。 カール12世はスウェーデンをバルト海の大国へ導いた国王として慕われているようです。 ここの庭園はいつも綺麗に管理され、春から秋にかけ色々な花が咲いていてそれを見に来る方もたくさんいます。 わたしが観光に来た際も、多くの観光客が訪れていました。 春は桜の花が満開になり桜祭りが開催され、冬はここでスケートリンクが併設され市民に愛されています。

Walking to Skeppsholmen island in the Stockholm archipelago

After the garden, I walked to the Skeppsholmen, the Island of Ship. On the way to the island, I saw this gorgeous hotel called Grand Hotel. The hotel is one of the richest hotels in Sweden. I have heard that Nobel prize winners stay at this hotel as well. The hotel is located on the other side of the island of Gamla Stan, which is the Old Town of Stockholm. Also, we can see the Royal Palace from the hotel. The location is perfect! What I would like to recommend going to the hotel is the restaurant called “Veranda”. I have been there once before and the food was just amazing! It was one of the best food I had in Sweden. (No jokes!) But, be careful that the hotel is pricy as well as the restaurant. However, you will regret it if you do not go there for the amazing food!!! The meatballs with lingonberry sauce were just so tasty! 

そして、庭園を後にわたしが向かったのは、グランドホテルと呼ばれる高級ホテルです。 ストックホルム市内でも有数の高級ホテルで、対岸にはストックホルム王宮も見え景観もとても素晴らしい立地です。 このホテルはノーベル賞を受賞したかたも宿泊されるほど、スウェーデンを代表するホテルの様です。 わたしがお勧めしたいのはホテル内にある「ベランダ」と呼ばれるレストランです。 わたしも一度だけ行ったことがあるのですが、そこで食べられる料理は本当に素晴らしく、とても美味しかったです。 ミートボールにリンゴンベリージャムをかけて食べるなど、とてもスウェーデン風の料理もたくさんあり旅行に来た際はお勧めです。

The Grand Hotel, Stockholm
The Grand Hotel, Stockholm

The Grand Hotel, Stockholm - Website

It was nice to see ships and boats in Stockholm bay. I was walking towards Skeppsholmen island.
It was nice to see ships and boats in Stockholm bay. I was walking towards Skeppsholmen island. 

I was walking towards the island, and I saw Stockholm Bay on my right side. The temperature was getting colder so that the leaves were turning their colors to red and yellow. The autumn leaves were so beautiful! There is a big bridge which we can walk on to Skeppsholmen, the Ship Island. When I was walking, I was at the Stockholm Palace and the Old Town (Gamla Stan) on my right side. It was so beautiful. 

グランドホテルから右手にストックホルム湾を見ながら散策を続けました。 気温も下がってきて、かなり紅葉も進んでいました。 近代美術館などがあり、Skeppsholmen(船の島)と呼ばれるフェップホルメン島へ向かいました。 島へは徒歩でも渡れる大きな橋が架かっていて、とても綺麗でした。 対岸に見えるストックホルム王宮が綺麗で、そして向かいにはガムラスタン(旧市街)も見えてとても綺麗でした。

This is a bridge which connects to Skeppsholmen island
This is a bridge which connects to Skeppsholmen island
I saw the Royal Palace of Stockholm on the other side of the shore.
I saw the Royal Palace of Stockholm on the other side of the shore.
Yes! Arrived at Skeppsholmen island!
Yes! Arrived at Skeppsholmen island!

Skeppsholmen island, the Stockholm archipelago

At the Skeppsholmen, there is a famous ship called Af Chapman. Now, everyone can stay on the ship. It has been renovated as a youth hostel. It would be fun to stay there when you come to Stockholm! On the island, there is a cute cafe and Modern Museum. When I saw the Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, on the island too. I did not know that the building was located on the island, so I was surprised to know that this is where my favorite Swedish artist, Carl Milles taught art as a professor.

船の島と呼ばれるだけあり船が停留しており、なんとユースホステルとして宿泊もできるようでした。 歴史のなる船舶の中で宿泊するのも、楽しい思い出になりそうですね。  島には小さなカフェがあったり、美術学校があったりと秋風が吹く中の散策を満喫しました。

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Af Champman, a historic ship! Isn´t it cool that we can stay on the ship! It is a youth hostel now!
Af Champman, a historic ship! Isn´t it cool that we can stay on the ship! It is a youth hostel now! 

If you are interested in staying on the ship, Af Champman. Here is a website.;label=af-chapman-X3tbFYwMUGFQSeAxB8uK9wS392993736885%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap2%3Aac%3Aap%3Aneg%3Afi%3Atikwd-23648668448%3Alp1012234%3Ali%3Adec%3Adm%3Appccp%3DUmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YTQUGSsRwx9_3qo3uPTHyoo;sid=5751d452c4c46020c71906b60211b16f;city=-2524279;expand_sb=1;highlighted_hotels=297729;hlrd=no_dates;keep_landing=1;redirected=1;source=hotel&room1=A,A,; 

When you travel to Stockholm, Sweden, I would recommend coming to take a look at King´s Garden and Skeppsholmen. It was such a nice short trip to Skeppholmen. I want to go there again when it snows next time. It would be very beautiful too!


The Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm
The Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm
It was short, but it was a good trip from T-Central, King´s Garden, then Skeppsholmen 😄👍
It was short, but it was a good trip from T-Central, King´s Garden, then Skeppsholmen 😄👍

🥦Ha det så bra! 🥦

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🥦See you again! 🥦


#luv #luvshares

Travel Resources for your trip to Sweden

Recommended by TravelFeed

Flights: We recommend checking to find the best and cheapest flights to Sweden.

Accomodation: Explore the best places to stay in Sweden on, Agoda and Hostelworld.

Travel Insurance: Medical emergencies abroad can be pricey, but travel health insurance is not. We always use SafetyWing for affordable and reliable coverage.

Transportation: Use 12go and Omio to find detailed bus and train schedules, making travel planning easier.

Car Rental: For hassle-free car hiring, DiscoverCars is our trusted choice with a wide selection of vehicles.

Internet: Got an eSIM compatible phone? Airalo is perfect for reliable internet access during your trip. Just install it before you go, and you're set!

Day Trips & Tours: We recommend GetYourGuide for a variety of well-organized and enjoyable activities.

Tickets: Save on entrance fees in Sweden with Klook and Tiquets.

Travel Planner: Need a hand planning? Our free travel planner chatbot is your personal guide to Sweden. Chat now.

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