On an overgrown 2-track out in the middle of the Huron National Forrest you'll find an Old West Ghost Town. It's been there for many years and people add new stuff to it all the time. I've never seen anyone else out there when we were there or even anyone drive by.
Walking around town you'll see the General Store and Saloon.
Many other buildings have been brought to the property including this Trading Post, Undertaker, Barber Shop, Dentist and even a Bank.
Here is a look up and down "Main Street"
The bar here is fully stocked and it's encouraged to take a shot. The homes have furnishings and this one even has a wood cookstove!
Toward the back of the property you'll find a pond, Dockside Bar and a small Indian village. That canoe you see is an old wooden one and isn't in good enough shape to use.
This Cowboy was carved with a chainsaw out of the tree that grew here. You can see the stump of the old tree at the bottom. This is really cool and takes some skill!
The large sign you see here is from a town just South of this location. It's been stolen from the town several times and one of them ended up out here.
They even have a hanging post in the city center. Looks like this guy didn't make it.
It appears there is also a Sasquatch Garden over by the O.K. Corral. LOL
It's really cool that no one comes and messes with this stuff. Someone keeps the bar stocked and there's a donation box that someone has out there. The box has no lock on it and cash was sitting in it. We donate every time we stop.
I wish I could tell people where it is but I don't want it to get ruined. So far it's been left alone and respected. I hope to keep it that way.
If you ever find yourself on a fire road in Northern Michigan you might just bump into it! #haveyoubeenhere?
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