Unplanned dinner at Luben's

I have arrived to Folkestone to catsit for my friend once again and I arrived way earlier than I was suppose to.

The plan was to go to a place next to his job to grab a coffee while I was waiting for him to finish work but for my surprise at around 7 o'clock the place was starting to close.

And that was not the only place getting ready to close or already closed. Everything in the area seemed to be done for the day.

I kept walking around looking for a place to grab my coffee but the only place I could find was Luben's Pizza. Although is a restaurant, I could have just got in and have a coffee but since I was a little bit hungry I have decided as well to get some food.

Nice menu with some great choices
Nice menu with some great choices
The atmosphere was really nice
The atmosphere was really nice
The place looked great
The place looked great

Come visit Folkestone beaches
Come visit Folkestone beaches

Nice rustic style decorations
Nice rustic style decorations

When I got in I was very happy to see that the place was not too busy and it looked very welcoming and had a great atmosphere to grab a bite while I was killing time waiting for my friend.

There were 2 waiters working that shift and both of them from the beginning were really nice and attentive. Making sure I was having a good experience.

Obviously, I had to grab a glass of wine while I was trying to pick what I would have for dinner.

How could I visit a place called Luben's Pizza and have something else other then a pizza. 

I think the decision was made for me.

It is almost impossible to go wrong with a pizza and it is nice that they cook them in a traditional fire oven.

When the pizza got to the table, it was looking great and super delicious. It was looking so amazing that I even forgot to take a photo of it to share with you here, even though I was already planning on writing this review to share.

I know I could have picked something more original and not so usual to cook at home but I am in fact very basic when it comes to my food choices and there is nothing to be ashamed.

Come visit Folkestone beaches
Come visit Folkestone beaches

This is located in the centre of the city down and in your way down to go to the pier. I am pretty sure that during the Spring and Summer months the place is always very busy.

At least I hope so because I really have enjoyed the dinner and the time I have spent there and I think you might as well.

I totally recommend you to visit.

Come visit Folkestone beaches
Come visit Folkestone beaches

If you decide to visit Folkestone and you are looking for a nice restaurant, Lubin's Pizza might be a great choice.

Price wise, I can tell you that is just the average of all the restaurants are nowadays.

I think they could be a little bit cheaper, but in this crisis and the way the economy is, they actually have nice prices. 

In the end, finding the other place closing and choosing to walk around to look for a new place was a success.

Time to travel
Time to travel