Hey Hive!
It's time for another local trip because back in 2019-2020 we couldn't really fly anywhere due to travel restrictions. During that time, we saw more of our own country and I thought it'd be cool to share some interesting places from Singapore!
27 June 2019.Thursday.
I think this was even before covid actually, just before we were to set off for our last 2 trips before the whole pandemic situation. And on one of our dates, Sean surprised me by taking me to a doggy cafe here in Singapore!
We've never been to a dog cafe before, but we follow a lot of derpy doggo instagram accounts and are part of quite a few different dog groups on Facebook. We always send each other photos of different dogs too, especially those we see on the street!
So when I found out we were visiting a dog cafe and get to actually interact with dogs irl it was so exciting!
The first thing we did when we entered was to pay the entrance fee, which I think is about $15 but includes a drink and a bag of treats as well. Then we could go to the open area where the dogs and some other people were.
We had to sanitise our hands and there were cubbies for you to put your bags. But we took up a spot on the right side of the room. There was also an enclosed area with some of the bigger toys.
There were quite a few dogs of different breeds there, and they were walking around saying hi to everyone. We just waited for them to walk up to us since one of the rules was not to chase them around.
This was Waffles the corgi! We were told not to give him treats since he was on a diet. :( I felt bad but it's for his own good.
There was a cocker spaniel whose name I think is Duchess.
We just sat on the bench and watched the dogs walk around and waited patiently. Just being able to see a corgi in person was amazing since they're our favourite breed and we'd never seen one irl before!
I think this was one of my first encounters with a dog this close and for this long too, since we'd only ever seen dogs walking pass on the street.
I tried to get good pictures but the dogs were walking around so much at the time. They were really energetic since it was their playtime.
I think this one was Mochi the mini Maltese? He was very friendly and let me pet him.
Waffles got kinda tired after a while and splooted in the middle of the floor.
We also met Bui Bui, the French bulldog who was also the leader of the pack apparently.
Waffles was going up to everyone hoping to get treats but no one would give him any, sadly.
I felt so bad for him! But we did give him lots of pets and head scratches whenever he passed by us!
What a cutie he was! He didn't even look that fat, but I guess to make sure his health was ideal they told everyone not to feed him or we would be overweight.
After a little while all the doggos looked like they got tired! So we just chilled and sipped our drinks. Board games were also available for loan upon request but we didn't feel like playing anything at the time.
The open area wasn't too big, but we took the time to walk around and see what else they had, like this water bowl!
They also had plenty of dog beds around for the dogs to rest on.
I was so sad I couldn't feed Waffles, but he was just the cutest!
There was also this adorable Pomeranian whose name is Lola, I think!
She was so adorable, going up to everyone with her little face and paws.
I saw this trick people did online and wanted to try it for myself, and it surprisingly worked! Here's a video:
All the dogs kinda gathered around one of the staff members when she came by to check on them.
Before they went back to the middle to play! There was quite a bit of barking but nothing too loud at least.
The dogs were suddenly pretty hyper and running all over the place play-fighting with each other! It was an interesting sight to see, and all the humans kinda kept to the walls so as not to interrupt them.
We noticed all the dogs were kind of the same colour and wondered why that was. I wonder if it's more expensive to get different coloured dogs.
Or maybe it would be an issue if they got black dogs? I think they would all be loved nonetheless though.
While all the dogs were playing, we took the time to go inside the back area to chill away from the chaos. Turns out this little guy had been in here this whole time! I think this was Lulu the toy poodle and her outfit was adorable!
She looked so happy when I pet her! It made my heart melt. ^-^
Who can resist that face!
She even climbed into my lap and was so relaxed when I pet her and gave her lots of scratches. It made my day!
After about 2 hours or so, it was time to leave since they were about to close for the day. I think there are different time slots you can go for but we were already a little late for the last timeslot by the time we went. It was alright though because we got to play with the dogs and had a lot of fun!
I think this cafe is the only dog cafe in Singapore for now, but they're still around thankfully so if you're ever in the area and love dogs, definitely check them out! It's a good experience to have if you don't have a dog but would still love to interact with them once in a while!
Thanks so much for reading!
To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!
Check out my previous post in this series!
TacoCat’s Travels #187 (SG): Sakura Sighting in Singapore! 🌸