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Tokushima Travel Guide

What's unique?

Welcome to Tokushima, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Japan's Shikoku Island. Located in the Tokushima Prefecture, this enchanting destination offers a perfect blend of natural wonders, cultural heritage, and vibrant traditions. Tokushima will mesmerize you with its stunning landscapes, from picturesque valleys and towering mountains to crystal-clear rivers and breathtaking coastlines. But it's not just the scenery that sets Tokushima apart; the region is also famous for its mesmerizing dance festival called Awa Odori, where thousands of dancers flood the streets with energetic performances. Immerse yourself in this captivating city and discover the rich history, delicious cuisine, and warm hospitality that make Tokushima an unforgettable destination for travelers seeking an authentic Japanese experience.
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Photo Credit: Ian Fitch / Unsplash

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